What’s Your WHY?

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Before finding your why, building a business is just work… But once you find your WHY, the work has purpose.

Around here, we talk a lot about finding freedom.

For some people, freedom is their why. They just want to be free of many different things… their job, their boss, their time deficit, their financial restrictions.

But for most people, finding freedom is just the beginning.

If you became a real estate investor to find freedom, what is it you want to be free from?
If you can’t answer that question right away, you haven’t found your why… Yet.

Once you figure out your why, your whole life changes. You wake up ready to make the most of your day. You go to bed knowing you got one step closer. In between, you work with passion because you know the work matters.

Here’s what a recent Forbes article had to say about finding your why:

A clear sense of purpose enables you to focus your efforts on what matters most, compelling you to take risks and push forward regardless of the obstacles.

How would your business change if you had more focus and were willing to take more risks? It’s exponential how finding your why can change your life, your business, and the lives and businesses of the people around you.

But there is a why deficit. Most people are working without a sense of purpose. They’re working to build wealth, but they don’t know why they want it.

So how do you find your why?

There isn’t really a formula to follow, but there are questions to ask yourself:

1. What inspires you?

Think about the times in your life when you felt most ready to take on the world. How did you get to that point? How can you take what inspired you then and make it a rhythm in your life? What do you need to do that? This question is about keeping your tank full. How are you taking care of your social, emotional, spiritual, environmental, physical, and mental health each day? Once you have a plan in place to keep yourself healthy, you’ll have more space to chase inspiration.

2. What are you good at?

Have you seen the Venn Diagram for finding your passion? It’s three overlapping circles of “what you love,” “what pays well,” and “what you’re good at.” You have to find a why that encompasses all three. If you’re working at something you’re good at, but you don’t love it, or it’s not paying the bills, it’s time to find a new passion.

3. Who needs you?

For most people, your why is going to have something to do with your who. If you have a family of your own, someone who depends on you, or a community you’re passionate about, these people are going to be at the heart of your why. Working for yourself will only get you so far. Giving gives us purpose. Think about the future you want to create for the people you care about. When you want to quit, those faces are going to make you lean in.

Father carrying his two children

4. How will you leave the world?

This is another way to fuel your fire… And find your why. Your work has impact. What kind of impact will it have? You want to leave a legacy. It could be generational—building a business that your children’s children will benefit from. Or, it could be local—setting up spaces in the community where the next generation can play and grow. Even if you’re just getting started, you have time to give. Think about how you want to leave the world, then, work it into your why.

Have you found your why? 

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Published by Ivan Williams

Hello, my name is Ivan Williams. It is my pleasure to serve you, and your family, with all of your real estate needs. I have a passion for Real Estate and for helping my Clients understand all aspects of their real estate transactions. My experiences as a real estate professional, home improvement specialist, real estate investor, and property rehabber gives me a unique perspective that will help me serve you as my Client. Over the years, I have also become an avid student of architecture, home design and construction. One of my most exciting projects was a top to bottom restoration of my Detroit 1929 Art Deco home. As a real estate professional, I have also made it a priority also to help educate buyers and sellers about the major systems of a home. It is my belief that when my clients are knowledgeable, they make better decisions and will ultimately be happier about their real estate transactions. A true measure of a real estate professional is one “who puts clients first”! I love what I do, I love to help people, and I love the Real Estate business! That is why I become not just your real estate professional, but part of the family. My clients are provided with a variety of tools and programs, to make sure their real estate transaction is a smooth one. The secret to helping buyers in exceptional ways is not to just be pro-active. It is about diligence in the approach, and the willingness to do what it take to get the job done. Some of the most effective methods are not fruitful unless they are done over and over without pause, until the customer is satisfied, until the house is sold and closed. Likewise, some of the most effective techniques are those that have not been part of the “traditional” part of real estate sales. Sometime it takes creativity and thinking outside the box to sell or find a home. It is my intent to use everything at my disposal to get the job done. When we meet, I will show you what I do that is different that will save you time in your search for your next home. I am a full time Real Estate Professional that will find the best home and walk you through the process with the least amount of inconvenience. My passion is getting you results, saving you time, and building a friendship in the process. My other professional career my background has been in Information Technology and Project Management. These skills also help me serve my real estate Clients in this modern world. Thank You!

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